$Jihoz currently in tama.meme
On January 27, 2022, Jihoz, the visionary CEO of Sky Mavis, led the charge as the Ronin Network opened its doors to a new era of decentralized gaming. With unwavering determination and the iconic battle cry “BUILD BUILD BUILD”, Jihoz demonstrated to the world what true leadership looks like. His vision and dedication not only solidified Ronin as a groundbreaking blockchain but also ignited a movement that reshaped the Web3 gaming industry forever.
Now, you can be part of this epic journey. This moment represents a leader who never backs down, no matter the odds. Join the Ronin and Sky Mavis community—we’re all building the future that matters.
Download and install “Ronin Wallet” on the appstore, or, alternatively if you’re on desktop download and install the browser extension.
You can use an exchange like Binance or directly in your Ronin Wallet thanks to “On-Ramp”.
Go to Tama.meme, go to the swap panel on your right side. Here you can select how much RON you want to use to buy $Jihoz.
Tell all your friends and family about how great Ronin and Jihoz are. The opening of the net is very close and this is going to explode.
Join the $Jihoz Community!
It’s time to gear up for the opening of Ronin. Our commander, Jihoz, will guide us through challenging paths, and with his leadership, we will emerge victorious. GO RONIN!👊

Frequently Asked Questions
We love Ronin, as you do. We’ve been around since the creation of Axie Infinity, through its ecosystem development to this day. $Jihoz is not an official Ronin product, $Jihoz is a community meme supporting the great CEO we have.
This is the official contract:
And to buy it you can go to Tama.meme
Once the target that Tama.meme asks us for is exceeded, we will be officially listed on Katana.Dex, where we can now trade directly from its interface. In addition, you will be able to create an LP, thereby generating passive income thanks to commissions.
If you want to acquire the currency that supports $Jihoz as the great CEO of Mavis, you can acquire it through tama.meme and once we surpass the goal, you will be able to acquire it from Katana.dex.